I'm glad you found your way to my little corner of the Web
Please take the time to read my TOU before you try any of my Tuts
How this Website came to be:
I have been playing around with Paint Shop Pro since 2004
I was looking for a way to make my own web graphics
At that time, I had a family website on
one of the free web hosts-mostly for sharing photos with far flung family
They were very limited on the styles of templates they had to choose from
and I didn't like them telling me how to design MY pages, LOL
So I learned PSP, PS and HTML from tutorials I found on the internet
In 2006, I got my own domain and webspace
I now work primarily with version X2 of PSP and do some things in Photoshop as well
For the last year, I have specialized in making Forum Sets
For those who don't know, thats a banner style tag with matching avatar
I noticed that there weren't very many tutorials out there for
that type of tags, so I decided to try writing some myself
That was 30+ Tutorials ago
I love to see results when people try my tutorials
Please post a link in the comments on my Blog or shoot me an email
Thanks for looking!!
I strive to be a copyright compliant Tutorial writer and
have received this award from the Zone Groups
It's a big honor- Please come visit us at the Zone
Tutorial Ideas, Tags/Avis/Website graphics and Design ©Shirley Franklin