To create this Tag you will need:

A Tube and a Close-up

I used art by Barbara Jensen

Tubes and License available HERE


Filters Unlimited 2.0

Graphics Plus - Emboss

Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Textures - Texture Noise

Toadies - What Are You?


My Selections HERE



Let's Begin!


Choose two contrasting colors for FG and BG

New Image - 600x600

Fill with one of your colors

Filters Unlimited 2.0 - Paper Textures - Canvas Fine - Default

Select All - Contract 40

Invert Selection


Change to Target brush

Paint your Selection with your other color

Graphics Plus - Emboss - Default Settings

Promote Selection to Layer

Invert Selection

Drop Shadow - 5, 5, 50 and 25



Select the Bottom Layer

New Layer

Fill with one of your colors

Select All

Contract Selection by 80


Select All - Contract 40

Invert - Delete - Deselect

Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds

Width 5 - Opacity - 11

Color Black - Horizontal unchecked

Light from Top Checked

Effects - Reflection Effects - Rotating Mirror

Drop Shadow - 5, 5, 50 and 25


Duplicate this Layer

On the Original - Toadies - What Are You? - 20 and 20

Edge Effects - Enhance

Drop Shadow - 1, 1, 50 and 1


Select the BG Layer

Load Selection - SWWAnglesSel

Rename to Noise

Promote Selection to Layer

Duplicate Twice for a total of 3 Layers

On each of these Three Layers

Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Textures - Texture Noise

Hit the Random Seed button once for each layer

Change the Blend mode to Screen on all three Layers

Hide the Top Two of these Layers


Select the BG Layer again

Load Selection - SWWAngles2Sel

Promote Selection to Layer

Copy your Close-up and Paste as new Layer

Move into position - Invert Selection - Delete - Deselect

Change the opacity to Luminance or whatver blend mode you like


Select the Top Layer

Copy your Tube and Paste as a New Layer

Move into Position

Drop Shadow - 5, 5, 50 and 25


Add your Name, CR info and License#


If you don't want Animation, merge all layers and save as a jpeg



In PSP - Edit - Copy Merged

Fire up Animation Shop(AS)

Paste as a New Animation

Back in PSP

Hide the Bottom Noise Layer

Unhide the Middle one

Copy Merged

In AS Paste after Current Frame

Back in PSP

Hide the Middle Noise Layer

Unhide the Top one

Copy Merged

In AS Paste after Current Frame

Save as a gif and you're done!


Here is another example also using art by Barbara Jensen


If you try this, or any of my Tutorials

I would love to see what you made

Please Post results and comments on my Fanpage