To create this Set you will need:

A Tube and a Close-up

I used art by Keith Garvey

I bought this Tube while he was with MPT

Tubes and License are now available from PTE

DSB Flux - Bright Noise

Penta - VTR2

My Selection - Here

Unzip into your Selections Folder



Let's Begin!

Choose Dark Color for your FG

Choose a Lighter shade of the same color for your BG

Make this Gradient on the FG


We're going to start with a regular Tag

Then I'll show you how I made the Forum Set


New Image - 600x400

Fill with your Gradient

Duplicate - Image Mirror

Change the Blend Mode to Luminance

Pull down the Opacity to 50

Merge Visible

Penta - VTR2

Copy your Close-up

Paste as a New Layer

Position as Desired

Change the Blend Mode to Overlay

or some other you think looks better

New Layer

Selections - Load selection from Disk

Find SWWCurveTutSel in the drop down list

Click OK

Fill with one of your Colors


Duplicate this Layer Twice for a Total of Three Layers

On each of these Layers

DSB Flux - Bright Noise

45 - Mix Checked

Hit the Mix Button once for each Layer

Drop Shadow - 0, 0, 50 and 5 on each of these

Hide the Top Two for now

Add a two pixel selection border in your dark color

Drop Shadow - 0, 0, 50 and 5 

Copy your Tube

Paste as a New Layer

Position as Desired

Add your Word Art, Name, CR Info and License#


Now we're going to make the Forum Tag and Avatar

Shift+D to copy your Tag Twice


On the First Copy

Remove Art, Border, Name and CR Layers

Set your Crop Tool to 150x150

Move the Crop window to where you want it

Hit the green check mark to apply

Add the Border and Your Initial

Animate like we will for the Tag

This is your Avatar


On the Second Copy

Remove the Border Layer

Make this Custom Selection

Move your Tubes and other elements

To where you want them inside the selection

Image - Crop to Selection

Add the Border

Animate like we will for the Tag

This is your Forum Sized Tag



In PSP - Edit - Copy Merged

In Animation shop - Edit- Paste as new animation

Back in PSP

Hide the bottom Curves layer and unhide the middle one

Edit - Copy merged

In Animation shop - Edit - Paste after current frame

Back in PSP

Hide the middle Curves layer and unhide the top one

Edit-copy merged

In Animation shop - Edit- Paste after current frame

View animation- If you like it, save as a gif and you're done!


Another Sample also using Art by Keith Garvey


If you try any of my Tutorials

I would love to see what you made!

Please leave a link in the comments section on my Blog


Tutorial Idea, Tags/Avis ©Shirley Franklin